St. Paul & St. Andrew's Sermon and Prayercast

K Karpen: "Where Else Would I Be?" (Sermon for August 25, 2024)

St. Paul & St. Andrew

Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom else can we go? You have the words of eternal life..."  John 6:68

This week's lectionary serves up some strange passages. The Gospel reading begins with Jesus saying, "Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me and I in them."  Just because we affirm this, do this, each communion Sunday doesn't quite remove the 'Ewww!' factor in this passage! 

All religions include things that seem a bit weird from the outside, and sometimes from the inside as well. Delightfully strange, maybe, but strange. And this statement by Jesus evidently seemed weird from the get-go. So weird, that some who were following Jesus said, 'No thanks, we'll pass.'

But for me the poignant part of the passage comes at the end. When Jesus asks the 12 disciples who are still left, "Do you also wish to go away?" Peter responds, 'Where else could we go? Where else would we be?' And after a lifetime of celebrating and struggling with the teachings of Jesus, I have to agree.

See you here this Sunday. Where else would we be?
