St. Paul & St. Andrew's Sermon and Prayercast

K Karpen: "The Mighty Widow" (Sermon for November 10, 2024)

St. Paul & St. Andrew

Jesus said to them, “Truly, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury..."  Mark 12:43


The gospel story of the woman giving her last two coins to the temple treasury leaves me with some questions. Jesus notices the woman's generosity, but does he actually approve of her contributing so sacrificially? And why does this widow, offered so little protection by religious or secular law, want to support a system that ignores her and her needs?  

John Wesley famously offered this advice about the use of money: "Gain all you can, save all you can, give all you can." But he elaborates: give all you can only after taking care of your, or your family's, essential needs. 

St Augustine says something similar: "From what God has given you, take only what you need. The rest is needed by others. The superfluities of the wealthy are the necessities of the poor."

This Christian idea of money is countercultural, in light of the values of today!

Join us Sunday, and let's think through the ways we are meant to use our finances for the greater good.

See you then,