St. Paul & St. Andrew's Sermon and Prayercast

Andrea Steinkamp: "The End Is But the Beginning" (Sermon from November 17, 2024)

St. Paul & St. Andrew

"This is but the beginning of the birth pangs." - Mark 13:8


Birth pangs are a frequently used motif in the apocalyptic imagery that was common in Jesus's Jewish tradition. As someone who physically birthed two humans from my womb, I know a thing or two about birth pangs. One of the things I learned through my labor and delivery experiences is that fear-based resistance intensifies pain and draws out the process in dangerous and unhealthy ways.

We've been talking and singing about the importance of resistance, of holy resistance, in recent days.

We resist, we refuse to let hatred in
We rise up, we won't back down
We're in this 'til the end

A big question for me right now is, how do we keep our resistance holy, rooted in love, rather than fear, when there's a lot to feel afraid of and for right now?

Let's reflect on that together Sunday morning.

See you there,
Pastor Andrea