St. Paul & St. Andrew's Sermon and Prayercast

K Karpen: "Gratitude As an Act of Resistance" (Sermon for November 24, 2024)

St. Paul & St. Andrew

Pilate asked Jesus, “So you are a king?” - John 18:37


On the last Sunday of the Christian year, right before the beginning of Advent, we celebrate "The Reign of Christ", also known as Christ the King Sunday. It has an interesting history. In 1920s Italy, Pope Pius XI was concerned about the rise of a narrow nationalism and fascism at home and abroad, and he wanted to mark a day for the church to emphasize that, as Christians, our primary loyalty is not to a political party, or any leader, or even our nation, but to Jesus Christ.

Jesus is king! So Caesar isn't.
Jesus is our ruler! Not Mussolini or any other petty tyrant.   

This is also the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Despite everything going on, we have a lot to be grateful for. In our current context, gratitude is a counter-cultural emotion. But as Rabbi Heschel once wrote, "It is gratefulness that makes the soul great.'

With gratitude,

PS: As an expression of gratefulness to God, we invite you to make a pledge this week for 2025. Either bring your pledge card to church, or use the one in your bulletin, or just use this handy link: 2025 "Love in Action" Pledge Campaign