St. Paul & St. Andrew's Sermon and Prayercast

Lea Matthews: "What's the Word?" (Sermon for January 26, 2025)

St. Paul & St. Andrew


Over the last several days, the power of words has been on full display. Proclamations, addresses, orders, organizational memos, statements, and lots and lots of emails, tweets, texts, and posts are swirling around us, each claiming to convey messages of import. So many words, so little time. 

Have you been listening?  
Have you been avoiding the noise? 

On Sunday in worship, we'll think a bit about the prophetic word.  We'll read and reflect on Jesus's first sermon in the gospel according to Luke.  It shouldn't surprise you to learn that he spoke boldly, inspired by the Spirit of God, and drawing from the prophet, Isaiah. He did not mince words.  Jesus proclaimed his authority and what the reign of God will look like.

Jesus said, 
"...The Most High has anointed me
To bring Good News to those who are poor.
God has sent me to proclaim liberty to those held captive,
Recovery of sight to those who are blind,
And release to those in prison—
To proclaim the year of God’s favor.”

Now those are some powerful words, friends.  And unlike so many others vying for our attention, these words are ones we need to listen to.  

Come join us Sunday, when we can listen for God's word together.
Pastor Lea